Landesverband der Donauschwaben USA
We are a National Association of clubs and organizations in the United States of America, united by a common heritage. Our ancestors were ethnic Germans referred to also as The Danube Swabians or (Donauschwaben). They traveled to the USA from countries that are today on the Balkan peninsula, Serbia, Romania, Hungary, Croatia and many others.
Together our memberships practice social, sports, cultural, historic and philanthropic traditions in the interest of our shared cultural heritage and community. Music, song, dancing, soccer and food characterize the individual organizations in cities across the country.
Each year we meet nationally for our Annual Meeting in April, for the National Soccer Tournament in May, and for our National Treffen or festival in September. While our traditions connect us as people, the friendships between clubs, individuals and families perpetuates the bonds of our Verband surely into the future!