The Danube Swabian Foundation of the USA, Inc.
Welcome Fellow Countrymen and Friends of the Danube Swabians
About The Danube Swabian Foundation of the USA, Inc.
"The Arrival of the Danube Swabians in the Banat" - oil painting by Stefan Jäger
Our Purpose
The Danube Swabian Foundation fosters, supports and encourages the preservation of the customs, traditions, literature, culture and history of the Danube-Swaben people (Germanic people of Southeastern Europe). The foundation was founded in 1982 and is active from coast to coast in providing moral and financial support. Its long-range goal is to help maintain thriving Danube Swabian organizations in the U.S.
The Danube Swabian Foundation of the USA, Inc. Programs
Here’s How We Help
Donauschwaben Soccer Tournament
The Landesverband der Donauschwaben USA’s soccer tournament is a nationally recognized competition in the United States. Established in 1975, the tournament takes place over Memorial Day weekend and provides high level amateur competition, and cultural camaraderie to the members of the national association. Soccer was and is the sport of the Donauschwaben immigrants and remains an important tradition for the clubs and organizations that participate.
Brass Bands
The Bands that are part of the Landesverband der Donauschwaben are dedicated to preserving the musical traditions of German and Middle European cultures. Most are structured after the military bands of the late 1800’s and today play many different styles of music. These styles consist of marches, polkas, waltzes, tangos and contemporary tunes. Some of the bands were started by immigrants that missed the music that they grew up with and now those bands have
several generations still playing. All the band members are volunteers and members of their
respective clubs and perform for their respective club events and other public events to promote
the German and Middle European cultures. The Donauschwabian Foundation helps support
these bands with expenses such as new sheet music, stands, lighting, banners, sound
equipment and other expenses the bands have on an annual basis.
There are a few organizations that offer German School. Classes are provided for Pre K-8th grade and adults. The schools are home to knowledgeable instructors that teach the German language. The Donauschwaben Foundation helps support the schools with funds for various expenses.